Carbon Monoxide Testing
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Carbon Monoxide Testing
The presence of carbon monoxide in your home is dangerous.
Provost Plumbing is one of only twelve contractors certified in carbon monoxide testing and repair in the state of Massachusetts.
Provost Plumbing can help protect your family from the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning. The first step is to make sure that carbon monoxide is not entering your home. A certified Provost Plumbing technician, using sate-of-the-art equipment, will test and clean fuel-burning appliances to ensure they are in good working order.
The second step is to install at least one carbon monoxide monitor in your home.
What is Carbon Monoxide?
Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas. You can’t see, taste or smell it. It can affect you or your family before you even know it’s there. Even at low levels of exposure, carbon monoxide can cause serious health problems. Carbon monoxide is harmful because it will rapidly accumulate in the blood, depleting the ability of blood to carry oxygen.
Where Does Carbon Monoxide Come From?
Carbon monoxide is a common by-product of the combustion (burning) of fossil fuels. Most fuel-burning equipment (natural gas, propane and oil), if properly installed and maintained, produces little carbon monoxide. The by-products of combustion are usually safely vented to the outside. However, if anything disrupts the venting process (such as a bird’s nest in the chimney) or results in a shortage of oxygen to the burner, carbon monoxide production can quickly rise to dangerous levels.
Contact Us Today! (781) 326-3890

Provost Plumbing
191 Sudbury Rd Suite 34
Concord, MA 01742
